Building Products

CreditSME is experienced in arranging finance for businesses across the building products industry. CreditSME has strong relationships with the banks and non-bank lenders that are the most active in the building products sector. The appetite of lenders varies widely for the sector and CreditSME is able to quickly and efficiently arrange a loan for your business with the most suitable lender with an eficient and transparent process. 

Why CreditSME to arrange your business finance?


CreditSME has significant banking experience in the building products sector and has completed numerous transactions in the sector.

Strong relationships with the relevant teams and people within the banks 

Knowledge of what loan terms are achievable through prior transactions.


Streamlined process given our strong knowledge of banks appetite and process

Direct relationships with the right people and teams within the lenders

Deep understanding on how the lenders will assess the funding request

Ensure information is properly presented and articulated to the banks in their assessment and approval process

Optimal Outcome

Given our experience, capabilities and relationships in the building products sector, using CreditSME will best ensure clients objectives are met.

These objectives will differ for each client and typically revolve around selecting the bank that will be the most suitable long term funding partner, optimal loan pricing and/or maximise loan sizing.

Typical products and sectors

CreditSME has assisted a large number of clients in the building products sector obtain attractive funding terms for their business including product manufacturers, importers and distributors.  

Typical financing products common in the building products sector are terms loan for growth and acquisitions, trade and debtor finance for working capital purposes, asset finance for machinery, forklifts and vehicles and loans for industrial and commercial properties. 

Sample building products transactions

Acquisition Finance

Client: Timber Wholesaler

Funding Solution: Term loan and working capital facilities

Value Add: Achieved tailored facilities to best suit the business on attractive loan terms

Trade Finance

Client: Importer and distributor of cladding products

Funding Solution: Trade finance facility

Value Add: Achieved very attractive loan pricing and overall terms 

Term Loan and Overdraft

Client: Manufacturer of industrial products

Funding Solution: Refinance to term loan and overdraft facilities

Value Add: Achieved better suited facilities with significant cost savings