Credit Rating - Basic
- CreditSME Rating Score based on the current financial profile of the business
- CreditSME report that outlines the key credit metrics specific to your industry that are typically used by financial institutions and financiers in assessing your company’s credit risk and deciding on whether to approve your company for finance
- Recommendation of the most suitable lender groups for your existing loan such as the major banks, peer to peer lenders, asset based financiers, cash flow lenders or hire purchase
Uses / benefits:
- Gain an understanding of your SMEs credit profile and how the business will be viewed by prospective or existing financiers;
- Utilise this better understanding of your credit profile and the CreditSME report provided in negotiating terms on a new loan or refinancing your existing loan on improved terms.

Credit Rating - Advanced
- CreditSME Rating Score based on the current financial profile of the business
- CreditSME Rating Score based on the profile of the business taking into consideration the level of additional finance being sought
- CreditSME report that incorporates the new finance facility being sought
- Recommendation on the most suitable lender groups for the loan facility being sought
Uses / benefits:
- Gain an understanding of your SMEs current credit profile and how your SMEs credit profile will look with a new loan facility
- Utilise this understanding and CreditSME report to negotiate a new loan with the recommended lender groups